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Apple Developer Connection wieder vollständig online

Apple, News, Software
Apple Developer Connection wieder vollständig online

Nachdem Apple’s Developer Developer Connection tagelang offline war und die iOS 7 Beta-Phase sich verzögerte, ist die Developer Connection nun wieder vollständig erreichbar. Apple hat E-Mails verschickt, in der Developer informiert werden, dass die Connection jetzt wieder zu 100% erreichbar ist. Entwickler können nun ohne jegliche Einschränkungen ihre Arbeit fortsetzen.

We are pleased to let you know that all our developer program services are now online. Your patience during this time was sincerely appreciated. 

We understand that the downtime was significant and apologize for any issues it may have caused in your app development. To help offset this disruption, we are extending the membership of all developer teams by one month. If you need any further assistance, please contact us.


Via Macrumors

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