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Apple veröffentlicht Quartalszahlen für Q3 2014 [Infografik]

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Apple veröffentlicht Quartalszahlen für Q3 2014 [Infografik]
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Zur späten Stunde hat Cupertino die Quartalszahlen für Q3 2014 bekanntgegeben. Dies und alles weitere Wichtige in unserer kompakten Zusammenfassung.

Q3 14

Apple konnte im dritten Quartal diesen Jahres neue Verkaufsrekorde verzeichnen. iPhone, iPad und Mac verkauften sich wie folgt (in den Klammern seht ihr die Vergleichszahlen aus 2013):

  • iPhone: 35.2 Millionen (31,24 Millionen)
  • iPad: 13,2 Millionen (14,62 Millionen)
  • iPod: 2,9 Millionen (4,57 Millionen)
  • Mac: 4,4 Millionen (3,75 Millionen)
  • Gesamtumsatz: 37,43 Milliarden Dollar (35,3 Milliarden Dollar)
  • Reingewinn: 7,7 Milliarden Dollar

Tim Cook:

“Our record June quarter revenue was fueled by strong sales of iPhone and Mac and the continued growth of revenue from the Apple ecosystem, driving our highest EPS growth rate in seven quarters,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “We are incredibly excited about the upcoming releases of iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite, as well as other new products and services that we can’t wait to introduce.”

Luca Maestri:

“We generated $10.3 billion in cash flow from operations and returned over $8 billion in cash to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases during the June quarter,” said Luca Maestri, Apple’s CFO. “We have now taken action on over $74 billion of our $130 billion capital return program with six quarters remaining to its completion.”

Die Q3 Ergebnisse im Wortlaut:

CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apple® today announced financial results for its fiscal 2014 third quarter ended June 28, 2014. The Company posted quarterly revenue of $37.4 billion and quarterly net profit of $7.7 billion, or $1.28 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $35.3 billion and net profit of $6.9 billion, or $1.07 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. Gross margin was 39.4 percent compared to 36.9 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 59 percent of the quarter’s revenue.

“We generated $10.3 billion in cash flow from operations and returned over $8 billion in cash to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases during the June quarter”

Apple’s board of directors has declared a cash dividend of $.47 per share of the Company’s common stock. The dividend is payable on August 14, 2014, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on August 11, 2014.

“Our record June quarter revenue was fueled by strong sales of iPhone and Mac and the continued growth of revenue from the Apple ecosystem, driving our highest EPS growth rate in seven quarters,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “We are incredibly excited about the upcoming releases of iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite, as well as other new products and services that we can’t wait to introduce.”

“We generated $10.3 billion in cash flow from operations and returned over $8 billion in cash to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases during the June quarter,” said Luca Maestri, Apple’s CFO. “We have now taken action on over $74 billion of our $130 billion capital return program with six quarters remaining to its completion.”

Apple is providing the following guidance for its fiscal 2014 fourth quarter:

• revenue between $37 billion and $40 billion

• gross margin between 37 percent and 38 percent

• operating expenses between $4.75 billion and $4.85 billion

• other income/(expense) of $250 million

• tax rate of 26.1 percent

Apple will provide live streaming of its Q3 2014 financial results conference call beginning at 2:00 p.m. PDT on July 22, 2014 at www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/earningsq314. This webcast will also be available for replay for approximately two weeks thereafter.

Um 23:00 folgt die Conference Call mit CEO Tim Cook und (neuerdings auch) Luca Maestri. Die beiden beantworten Fragen von Journalisten [Audio-Stream], wobei sich hier häufig die ein oder andere Information am Rande heraushören lässt. Alles wichtige erfahrt ihr natürlich hier, auf Apfellike.com

[via, via]

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